Oct 28, 2023

Law Or Grace

 By Fred Gillett, Crystal Cathedral Pastor

"The Lord gave...the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant." "This cup is the new covenant in (Christ's) blood." -Deuteronomy 9:11, John 1:17

When a group, or an individual, other than Christ himself, defines what the rules are to attain God's grace - implying that if I don't conform to those rules, I must not be in his favor - this is the beginning of the end of my relationship with that group or person. 

My only resource is my relationship with Jesus, his provision of the Holy Spirit, and my reading his word, through which I've come to understand that:

- The law of God demands my relationship with Christ.

- The grace of God offers me his provisions to accomplish my growth. 

The grace of God is my nurturing resource that produces my spiritual growth, defines my character, and makes me more effective for his kingdom on earth.

Prayer: Father, my Lord and Counselor, I thank you for your patience with me. I want to be moving forward, learning, experiencing, and growing. Bring me close to those who can help me in my progress. Without you and your grace through Jesus my Lord, there is no life. Amen.

Devotion: How did the law draw you towards Christ? How has God's grace grown you in Christ? -Hour of Power

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