Oct 23, 2021

God's Plan for Senior Citizens

 Author Unknown

As people get old and become senior citizens, they usually do not get enough exercise. In God’s wisdom, from the very beginning, He intentionally designed that senior citizens should:

become forgetful so that they have to search for their eyeglasses, keys and other things thereby they get to walk from one place to another [room-to-room] which means exercise.   And God saw that it was good;

lose coordination so that they drop things thereby requiring them to bend, reach down & stretch.  And God saw that it was good; have  more trips to the bathroom thereby causing them to not only walk to & from the toilet but also requiring them to sit down and stand up which stretches more muscles.  And God saw that it was good.

So, if you find as you age that, you have become forgetful, less coordinated, and go to the toilet more frequently thereby causing you to walk and get up & down more, remember it is because of God's love and mercy for you,  and it is all in your best interest. –Contributed by Tigno

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