Nov 5, 2017


Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Israel), who is referred to in world literature as the both the Son of God and Son of Man, died over 2000 years ago.

He is known to Christians as their God and believed to be Creator of the world.

He is the only God known in the history of the world to have become incarnate: i.e., He became a literal human being who walked on the face of the Earth, associated with people, performed miracles and good deeds to benefit others, was crucified on a cross despite having committed absolutely no crime or error, rose from the grave and lived again for about 40 days as witnessed by hundreds of people who saw Him associating with other people, and who was personally witnessed by at least twelve people -- His closest earthly friends and fellow Jews -- to actually physically ascend towards the sky and disappear into the heavens.

Nobody has ever referred to Him as the late Jesus, not even the heathen and non-Christians.

Nowhere has He ever been referred to in the past tense.

Of all belief systems, ideologies, philosophies and religions in the world, He is the only living God, in history, who continues to exist and live to this very day!

He is the only God [of all gods known to humans] to ever speak of being kind and loving (respecting) one's fellow human, including "one's enemies", and who promised that whosoever believes in Him will inherit eternal life!
He is the only Person/God, who has had actual, literal and positive transforming effect and influence on human lives. Aside from the Jewish writings and the Christian Bible, many books, films/movies, and personal accounts and testimonies from former hard-core criminals and sinners who had been transformed into fruitful, useful members of society after they had fully accepted, believed in, and followed Jesus and His teachings have been written and repeatedly cited. –Contributed by Ralph

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