Sep 12, 2017

Faith, Trust, Hope, Confidence, Love, Attitude

When a drought-stricken village gathers to pray for rain, but only one villager comes with an umbrella. . .that villager has FAITH.

When a father throws his child up in the air, but the child laughs since he knows his dad will catch him . .that child has TRUST.

When one goes to bed not knowing whether one will still be alive the next day but sets the alarm to wake up. . .that person has HOPE.

When one plans big things for the future but has zero knowledge of the future. . .that person has CONFIDENCE.

When a child does something contrary to society's beliefs, customs and traditions, but a parent willingly forgives the erring child. . .that parent has LOVE.

When an octogenarian wears a silk-screened T-shirt emblazoned with words:

"I'm not 80 -- I'm 20 with 60 years experience". . .that person has ATTITUDE.

Have a happy day. . .
Live each day like the above examples!

-Contribution by Ralph

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