Mar 26, 2017

Laying It Down ...

by Dr. Lawrence Wilkes

"We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."  -1 John 3:16, NAS

I've never quite been able to understand the love of God. I know He loves all of us, and yet I can't say I love everyone. I don't know if I'm revealing something I shouldn't, but maybe you're like me. Every once in awhile, someone comes into your life that you wish hadn't. And you want to say, "Just go away." When this happens, I know that God is instructing us to love one another. I try to love them, though I do better at a distance with those folks; I try to keep out of their way.

Redemption is something else entirely, because it's based on God's love for all of us. He loves us all. Unlike me, with my limited amount of tolerance, his compassion is endless, tireless. Day after day is a new day with God.

It's an interesting thing, isn't it, forgiveness? We can forgive, but we never seem to forget. But God forgives and forgets. He loves, and he asks us to love, in turn. Awesome. God has given this wonderful gift to us - the ability to lay down our wills to love others as he loves us.

Prayer: Lord, only You are the way, the truth, and the life. I'll gladly be Your representative here on earth...use me today in some small (or big) way to help move one of Your beloved children closer to knowing You. Help me to love the unlovable. Amen.

Reflection: Look around you. Listen to and watch your friends and family members. Pay attention to yourself, as well. What words and acts do you do beyond your own strength to reflect the love of God? -HOP

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