Oct 9, 2016

Inner Voice Of Love ...

by Pastor Bobby Schuller

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." -John 1:1,14a

John says, "In the beginning was the Word." "Word," in this case, means "logos," which means all of God's ideas, everything he ever spoke. Jesus Christ, our Savior, is actually God's Word in flesh.

Words have incredible power. Yet, with all of our ideas, everything that we have, everything we celebrate; all of it comes from and through words. Our world is inundated with words. On our radios, computers, TVs we hear people talking, singing, selling things with words. These words say eat me, sleep with me, come visit me, think this way, act that way. Being constantly inundated with words forms our worldviews. Still, we treat words cheaply. We speak often without reflection, without regard for the consequence of what we're saying. We speak without intention and too often people are hurt.

Instead, we ought to understand that words have the power to create and destroy and should not be thrown around cheaply.

To understand this concept, we must know what is being said about us, but not what people are saying about us on Twitter or Facebook, around the water cooler, or in the classroom. What we need to hear is what God says about us. He says, "You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased." It is an inner voice of love, the wellspring of life. And from that wellspring, through that same voice of love, we can choose every word that we say to others.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to choose my words wisely. As you have shared your words of love with me through the Holy Bible, may I choose to share your love with others through every word I speak. Amen.

Reflection: Do you choose your words as you speak? When have you withheld words you knew would hurt because of God's wellspring of love within you?

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