Jul 26, 2015

A Cure For Stuttering

A man with a really bad stutter hoping for a cure went to a doctor and said: "D-D-D-Doctor, I h-h-h-have a r-r-really b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bad s-s-s-stut-t-t-t-t-t-t-ter. W-w-w-w-what c-c-c-c-an b-b-b-b-be d-d-d-d-done t-t-t-t-t-t-to g-g-g-g-get r-r-r-r-rid of it?"

After thoroughly physical examining the patient from head to toe told him that the most likely cause of his problem were his unusually massive, extremely well-hung privates, and it would be best to take out the guy's super-size balls and part of his really ultra-large scrotal sac. The procedure would be simple and could be done right then and there.

Without hesitation, the fellow said: "L-L-L-Let's d-d-d-d-do it!"

The operation went successfully. The guy went home delighted to be cured of his stutter. But after telling his partner what happened, the partner was not very happy and urged him to have the surgery reversed.

The next day, the man went back to the doctor's office saying, "Hi, Doc thank you very much my stutter is completely gone but unfortunately my partner is not happy and wants the surgery reversed."

The doctor replied, "OK, b-b-b-but are y-y-y-y-y-you s-s-s-sure?" -Author Unknown/Contributed by Ralph

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