Apr 26, 2015

FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics Show The “War On Christianity” Doesn’t Exist

We keep hearing there’s this war on Christianity.  It turns out, surprise, there isn’t:

    The right wing insists that there’s a war on Christianity. FBI hate crimes statistics tell a very different story, however. Far from being the victims of religiously motivated attacks, hate crimes against protestants are almost non-existent, while crimes against Jews, Muslims and people of other faiths occur much more frequently, with more violent consequences.

    According to the most recent FBI hate crimes statistics (2013), most hate crimes in the United States are not religiously motivated. Almost half of all hate crimes committed in the US are racially motivated. Out of those, more than 66 percent were directed at black people. Another 11 plus percent of hate crimes are motivated by an ethnic bias, such as a bias toward Arab Americans or toward Hispanic citizens. Altogether, attacks against minorities constitute more than 77 percent of all hate crimes in the US.


    Anti-gay violence is the second most commonly occurring type of hate crime in the United States. Contrary to the right wing narrative that Christians are under attack by the gays, the list of violent crimes committed against the LGBT community speaks for itself. Where are the incidents of gays attacking Christians? They do not exist.

But I keep hearing that the gaystapo will stop at nothing to imprison Christians in concentration camps, and Christians would never lie with Jesus watching and all.

And here’s what the religiously motivated hate crimes look like:

    …about 17.4 percent of all hate crimes are religiously motivated.

    Attacks against Jewish citizens are the most common religiously motivated attacks. Hate crimes against people of the Jewish faith constitute about 60 percent of all religiously motivated hate crimes in the US. Anti-Semitism is promoted and disseminated by right wing extremist groups such as the American Nazi Party, the KKK, the Christian Identity church, and a growing number of leadersin the mainstream conservative Christian community. Anti-Semitism is pushed by right wing conspiracy theorists, who claim a link between the ‘secret society of the Illuminati’ and the Jews. There are conspiracy theories about everything from the Jews and abortion to the Jews and Hollywood, ideas which are peddled by the likes of Alex Jones and Glen Beck. Many of these same groups spread the misinformation about minorities and members of the LGBT community, as well.

    The second group that is attacked most often because of their faith includes people who practice the Islamic faith. 13 percent of all religiously motivated attacks are committed against Islamic citizens. That number is 5 times higher today than it was before 9/11.

But…I heard it was the Muslims taking over in America and that it was them perpetrating violence against Christians.  You’re saying it’s the other way around, that when religiously motivated violence takes place in America it’s almost always Christians on the violent side?  It’s like a strange new world where Fox News doesn’t tell the truth.

One would think this would be received as good news by Christians – there’s no war against them!  They’re not persecuted!  But the Fox News crowd seems to be so in love with the notion of being persecuted (while ignoring pretty much every group that really is persecuted), they’ll continue to dig for any reason (or non reason) to keep on making that claim. –Source: Patheos

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